Our Services

Click each to learn more.
Estate Sales
Our online estate auctions are recommended because they are much more efficient and profitable than traditional walk through estate sales held in the home. No more hundreds of customers tracking mud in your home on a rainy day, or damaging walls when moving furniture out.

We do both full and partial liquidation, moving sales, and simple downsizing. Let us handle the research, pricing, sorting, organizing, merchandising, advertising, conduction of sale, and post-sale cleanup.
Catalog Your Items
We take several pictures of each item to be sold, with a full description.
Clear Your Home
We first remove all content to be sold from the home. This frees the house so you can move on with your next goal, whether that is selling, leasing, or something else.
Many people don't realize that estate sales are responsible for collecting sales tax. We take care of this part and pay the state so you don't have to. We take care of all the paperwork, you won't lift a finger.
Prime Location for Your Items
In addition to online sales, we have a prime location located at 2000 W SW Loop 323 in Tyler, Texas so customers can preview your items to be sold.

Let's Chat

Whether it is setting up your estate sale or you need more information, get in touch with us.